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Rapid Arrival: A Birth Boot Camp Birth Story

Tiffany’s Birth Story:

August 13th, 2022, I woke up that morning just tired of being pregnant (don’t we all at 40 weeks?). I was told my due date was August 10th, but at 38 weeks, I started having prodromal labor (at the time I thought I was in early labor). At one point, my contractions got to 10 minutes apart, and once 11 pm hit, they fizzled out.

Pregnant woman in a birthing tub holding hands with her two support persons. The Walk That Changed Everything

I was mentally and physically exhausted by the time my due week came around, but on the 13th, I was particularly over it. It was about 6 pm, and I turned to my husband and announced, “we are going on a walk! I am sick of being pregnant!”. We packed up our 15-month-old and leashed-out dog, and we took off. Hubby had the stroller, and I had the dog, and this man was walking so fast (at least that’s what it felt like compared to my waddle).

I noticed some sharp shooting/achy pains in my pelvis, so I had to walk a bit slower than I normally would and stop for breathers. We got home around 6:30 pm, and I texted my friend, who was also going to be like a doula for my birth, the pains I was feeling, and she advised that I let my midwife on call know about them. So I sent a quick text, and she called me to go over where the pain and aches were specifically.

Bath, Prayers, and Raspberry Leaf Tea

Her advice was to take a hot bath and relax as it could be the relaxin that is making my pelvis super loose and they could be rubbing together or baby was dropping and hitting a nerve or a mixture of both. I relayed this information to my friend, and she said she was going to pack up her stuff and head down in a few hours (she lives 3 hours away from me).

I lay in a hot Epsom salt bath and prayed over baby boy and talked to him, begging him to come soon. I could have sworn I saw him move down my belly; it felt much lower after the bath. About 8 pm we put our 15-month-old to bed, and I made some raspberry leaf tea and began bouncing on the birth ball.

Women in a birth tub holding her newborn babyContractions and Midnight Urgency

I remember we were watching a Texans preseason game, but I couldn’t tell you what was happening as I was focused on doing circles and movements on the ball. About 9 pm I got up to use the bathroom, and as I walked in, I felt a small gush. I was shocked and knew I didn’t pee myself, but there wasn’t a big gush of fluid. My underwear and shorts were completely soaked, and when I sat on the toilet, there was leaking.

The midwife was made aware, and she said to try and eat and get some sleep. She said contractions probably won’t start for a couple of hours if my water did break. I laid down about 9:45 pm after informing everyone about what was happening. At 10 pm I had my first contraction, but I was in denial because it was so soon! I laid in bed through about two more before they became a bit more intense, and my back began hurting from laying down.

I got up and went out to the living room where hubby was playing some video games. I informed him I was having contractions and to be prepared. Within 10 minutes, I was having strong contractions, and I had to focus on my breathing. About 10:30-11 pm I had a BIG contraction that caused me to throw up from the intensity, and I knew I was hitting transition.

Racing to the Birth Center

We called the midwife, and we agreed to meet at the birth center in about 30 minutes. My husband’s mom (who would come watch over our 15-month-old) and my sister were on her way as well. Everyone arrived right on time to load up and head out. I had 3 big contractions while trying to get in the car, and I felt like I was near pushing. The 10-minute car ride was torture.

We arrived at the birth center where the midwife checked my cervix and it was completely gone; the baby was in the birth canal! We rushed to the birthing room where I dropped to my knees with another big contraction and yelled “he’s coming!”. The pain was intense, and I could feel my body was trying to push out the baby.

Newborn baby being held by the mom. Baby is holding moms finger. Relief in the Birthing Pool

When I got in the birthing pool, I felt so much better, and it really eased the tearing sensation I was feeling in my bottom. At 1:19 am (20 minutes after checking into the birth center) on August 14th, 2022, our baby boy entered the world! I had a short umbilical cord, so I had to wait for my placenta to be born before I could latch, but the baby boy latched right away! From what I can remember, labor was about 4 hours long!

The Impact of Birth Boot Camp

This was my second baby, but my first was induced, and I had to get an epidural at 6cm, so I had no idea what contractions really felt like or how the transition between phases would be like so the class was very helpful for me!

“If it wasn’t for Birth Boot Camp, I would have been completely lost on what was happening with my body and my birth.”

At Birth Boot Camp, we thrive on spreading positive birth stories that reshape the narrative of childbirth. Your amazing birth experience is something we’d love to feature and share!

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