What You Get When You Hire A Birth Boot Camp DOULA What You Get When You Hire A Birth Boot Camp DOULA Skip to main content

What you get when you hire a Birth Boot Camp DOULA?

When you hire a Birth Boot Camp DOULA you get:

  • A professionally trained and certified doula.
  • A doula who has a network of support and mentors to help her be your best birth support.
  • A doula who abides by ethics and standards that ensure professionalism.
  • A doula with extensive lactation training so that she can help spot early issues with breastfeeding before they become long term, bigger issues.
  • A doula who knows who to refer you to in your community if you need anything she can’t provide.
  • A copy of “Supporting Arms,” an exclusive booklet that helps you prepare for your birth and postpartum experience.
  • A doula who has an understanding of the postpartum period and PPMD (postpartum mood disorders).
  • A doula knows how to communicate and LISTEN to what you really need and want for your birth.
  • A doula who knows how to support you if you want or need a cesarean birth.
  • A doula who knows how to support you if you want or need an epidural birth.
  • A doula who knows how to support you if you want a natural birth.
  • A doula who knows how to support your partner and lift them up, without taking over.
  • A doula who knows the beauty of holding space.
  • A doula who knows how to support your VBAC.
  • A doula who knows how to support your midwife or other care provider but stay within her own scope of practice.
  • A doula who can help you find a great childbirth educator, so that your visits with her can be for building your relationship, not quickly covering information.
  • A doula who doesn’t charge more if you have a longer labor.
  • A doula skilled in hands on comfort techniques that can help you have a more comfortable birth.
  • A doula dedicated to helping YOU have the birth you want and supporting you without judgment.

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We have all read the research and heard the personal stories of how doulas can help couples have a more positive birth experience. Doulas, however, vary a lot in training and even philosophy. Hiring a Birth Boot Camp DOULA means consistent training and consistent support and education.

Find a Birth Boot Camp DOULA near you!